The purpose of the autocms test is to provide an internal test which closely approximates the behavior of an actual CMS job submitted through the computing grid, but is submitted internally and is completely independent from the grid software stack. This allows us to potentially separate problems related to the gird from problems with our internal software and hardware.
Autocms jobs do not interact with CE1 or CE2, and are submitted directly to the SLURM scheduler via cron. The output of autocms jobs is staged out by calling the native LStore scripts in /usr/local/cms-stageout as is done by actual production or analysis jobs. Neither SE1 or the Grid-FTP servers (SE4, SE8, SE9, etc...) are involved in the staging out of the data.
Currently, autocms runs a skimming job on files from the dataset /HIHardProbes/HIRun2015-PromptReco-v1/AOD, selecting a file from the dataset, analyzing the first 500 events, and storing the output of any event passing the HLT_HISinglePhoton15_*, HLT_HIPuAK4CaloJet80_*, or HLT_HIFullTrack45_* trigger paths. This output file is uploaded to LStore, and then deleted.
Successful jobs in the last 24 hours: 143
Failed jobs in the last 24 hours: 0
Success rate (24 hours): 100.00%
Successful jobs in the last 3 hours: 17
Failed jobs in the last 3 hours: 0
Success rate (3 hours): 100.00%
Job submission retries in the last 24 hours: 0
Total job submissions in the last 24 hours: 143
Retries/Total submissions (24 hours): 0.00%
Job submission retries in the last 3 hours: 0
Total job submissions in the last 3 hours: 17
Retries/Total submissions (3 hours): 0.00%
Number of running jobs: 0
Number of pending jobs: 1
Job 559303 has been pending for 0:02:03.